In the history of Rangpur district, it is said that in the past there was a traditional growing village called Kaunia which was lost in the coral grass of the river Teesta. The area is named Kaunia after the village. According to another legend, a type of granular food crop called Kaun was widely cultivated in this area and the demand was also high. Due to various disputes and fights over farming in the area, the area became widely known. The name Kaunia is said to have been coined as a suffix to the word Kaun. There was also a famine in Rangpur in 179 AD. At that time Mr. Gross was the English caretaker in Rangpur. He set up a warehouse at Kaunia to import food grains from the Kaunia area to Rangpur where English, French and Armenian merchants also traded. Bullock carts were used to transport food grains. The bullock cart was called Caucart. The name Kaunia is also said to have originated from a corruption of the word Kaukart.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS